Friday, July 29, 2011

Timeouts aren't just for little kids...

Did your parents ever put you in timeout as a kid? My family did, even though it was a phase that didn't last long because us kids became defiant and would goof around while in time-out. My dad would say "TIME-OUT, BOTH OF YOU" to my brother and I because we were doing something obnoxious, obviously, and my brother and I would go, or race while getting the last hit or punch in, into a corner. Some timeouts would last a couple minutes, others 15, but I never will look at a wall as long as I did during some of those days in childhood.

Did you ever while in timeout look at a painting and just get mesmerized? Granted you were being punished. With nothing else to do for the entire 15 minutes of  you having to sit in a chair and think about what you did, did you just stare at a picture looking at every tiny detail until your time was up? When I eat cereal, I can look at the box over and over until I am done with it and just keep looking at it, not getting bored. Every morning, same box, same place. Staring at the same cereal box.

When I think about timeouts and such now, I really wish there was a timeout for grown ups. I would put myself there daily, trust me. Not that I am doing anything wrong, but just to stop focusing on everything that is crazy in the world and just focus on one thing. Maybe its the wall, or a painting or heck the back of my eye-lids. Heh heh. Some things I hated doing as a kid, I wish I could do it, even timeouts.

1 comment:

My toddler willingly holds my hand. He reaches out and pats my shoulder as we lay in bed next to each other.  Its as if he is waiting for m...