Friday, July 1, 2011

Few, or more, of my favorite things...

The feel of clean sheets and clean body mixed together.
The smell of rain in Arizona (its sweet smell is amazing).
Full tank of gas minus the amount it took to fill up.
When a child that has had no true love for most of his life tells you 'I love you'.
Funny pictures of random things that make you laugh, even if its by yourself.
Water when you are super thirsty.
Peeing after you've had to go and been holding it in for a very long time.
When your face is clear for more then a couple of days.
When you have money in your bank account and can spend some of it.
Christmas lights, music, and anything to do with Christmastime.
Bubble baths.
The way goose-bumps form when you stand in the sun after being indoors.
Feeling pretty, even if its just for a minute.

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