Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Dogs we love...

I have weird dogs, as I am sure you may put your dog under this section as well. If their licking doesn't annoy you, its the chewing of the leg finding the itch that happens to last longer then the birds and bees talk.

Yesterday getting ready for a hot date, with the roommate, I had laid some really NICE pair of heels out to wear. My little dog had a rawhide right next to her that I had just given to her not more then 20 minutes ago. I would be more apathetic if she had this treat for awhile and just got tired of the taste, but somehow the heel of my shoes looked way better. And the most annoying part of this was I told her no, she looked at me, then slowly, eyeing me the entire time starts mouthing (not chewing) the heel. It was kind of a slap in the face. If she had ignored me I would have told her a bit more sternly, but nope, she knew what she was doing the entire time.

My other dog, hates running. She gets excited to go out and sniff the yonder, but once I start running, she immediately decides running isn't for her. So I tried going slow, she went slower. Tried going fast, she stayed the same. So now I just run and then when I can't see her I jog in place and call her name until she gives me the "I hate you mom" as she drags up beside me. This has been going on for awhile. Today  20 minutes into the run she spots a squirrel, and she is off like a puppy, bounding over rocks, tree stubs like an antelope. Come on, really? All that energy just waiting for a squirrel? Right after the squirrel went up the tree and into the abyss, Lucy became her laggy ol self. That is until I asked her the 3 magic words. These magic words aren't I love you or good dog Lucy, they are, ARE YOU HUNGRY? She runs back to the house, surpasses me and Lilly and has more energy then I have seen. So as you imagine I say these 3 words quite a bit. Its like playing a video game and getting a turbo star with energy, or energizing bunny with that annoying smile and stupid sunglasses.

But even with the surprises I receive when coming home (anything left on the counter chewed up on the floor, chewed underwear, pillow, or anything of the sorts) its nice to know that my weirdness is NOTHING compared to my lovely animals.

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