Monday, April 18, 2011


If any boy or anybody wants to woo me over, it is by giving me these

Lilacs. Ah I can smell them now. Its amazing how a flower can change your attitude on almost anything. We have lilacs in Michigan, huge bushes of them that are about 15 feet high, full of them. Sadly, by the time we arrive for the summer, they are all dead, but I remember while we lived there they were amazing.

It seemed that overnight they sprouted, the vibrant purple. My mom would go out with her yard clippers and get huge bushels of them (exaggerating) but she had one, similar to the picture above in our bathroom. It seemed that no matter where you went you were filled with the aroma, the simplicity of the amazing purple flower.

I plan to move back to Michigan one day, and continue the same tradition that my mother does. I plan of basically living, surrounded by the flowers. Maybe I will be known as the lilac lady, but honestly I am more then okay with that.

As a quote that I love says
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~ Henry Beecher

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