Friday, December 30, 2011

Resolutions, kinda.

The infamous new year's kiss. The new year's resolutions, the wanting to be better and more accomplished then last year. Thankfully I didn't make any this past year, or at least I don't remember. But I have been thinking of my future, where I would like to be within the next year and how the heck I am going to do so. I want to change the world, save all the homeless dogs on the planet, and de-ball the idiots (mostly exes) that need Darwin's theory to hit em hard. I am planning to out do myself this year. I am going to eat more delicious desserts then before, fall in love and not regret it, buy more clothes then I need, celebrate with wine because I have wine, make more crafts, enjoy running, or at least try to, get more manicures, and love myself more and don't let the little things get to me. Why make the year hard to do? Why not enjoy it?

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