I have already looked through craigslist, stalked enough people on Facebook, and stared at the ceiling more then 20 times, so I am left with you. Ah the glories.
So tonight I emailed back and forth with a guy from Oakley, my boarding school. It is great how God knows when to put someone in your life. I was struggling with this problem and needed advice and what do you know? He wrote me. LOVE IT
I am really all over the place tonight. Ah, tiredness. I was sitting trying to figure out the thermostat and could not figure it out to save my life. I am not even going to go in to try and explain it now, because I am afraid my mind is STILL not functioning at it's proper level. So I am just going to let me booty heat or freeze itself.
I am so ready for my bed. I have a long list of things I need to do tomorrow, but snuggling up with my pups sounds so marvelous right now.
I got to get off, and up. My eyelids are dropping :( Pray that I make it...
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