Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My dog is a Racist.

My dog is a racist.
the "cuteness" who wears a devilish grin :)
And I am saying this as nicely as possible.

I take my dogs on walks everyday on trails behind our apartment complexes. Normal people walk their normal selves and their dogs and usually mind their own business besides the occasional butt sniffing (dogs only, mind you). Lilly takes it to the extreme.

Just on our walk today she ran after a black guy that was minding his own business. I have nothing against other races but apparently Lilly does. Full on ran after him barking and pretending she was a 100 pound dog on a mission. He saw right past her. She has barked at a girl that told me she was afraid of dogs, though I think Lilly smelled her fear off the bat. She wouldn't let a nerdy white guy through a gate or let a little old lady go to her door in peace.

She also hates this basset hounds. There are two that we occasionally see on our walks and she tries to jump on their backs. Poor things are so long and just awkward that they have an extreme disadvantage. I really think she is jealous of their gigantic ears. Her bat ears are not enough compared to their cape-like ears that drag on the ground.

She also takes a "calling" to people at the worst times. I haven't slept for 26 hours, need a shower desperately, and have bags and leftover makeup on my face that is starting to look like Picasso. Lilly just had to trot next to a GORGEOUS guy and make friends and not leave his side on this particular afternoon. I would't mind if I wasn't sweaty and panting for breath. Not a good first impression.

So what do I do? Pretending she's not my dog doesn't work, because after every incident she runs up to me yearning for the praise she feels she deserves. Pretending she is just a little chihuahua pretending to be a big dog has gotten old when it happens every time, so I have decided that karma will hit her when a dog decides her ears are too big and she looks like a rat and decides to jump on her.

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