Brother: Do you even know what this song is about?
Mom: What’s it about?
Brother: It’s about a hooker…
Mom: Turn this thing off (changes the station)
It could have been the singing, or my brother finally feeling a bit guilty for having my mom sing about a hooker when really she thought she was singing about just a simple girl with fur on her boots. I have noticed myself singing, loving the beat of a song and then really listening to the lyrics and noticing I am singing about a gangster who got his wife’s best friend’s, friend pregnant, and finding beer the best way to party and lmfao (laugh my you know what ass off). Jimmny Crickets! If I only knew. Too bad I still probably dance because the beat is just too good.
But seriously, you can write songs about anything. Shake that laffy taffy, has got to be the most ridiculous one out of the bunch. Um, what kind of butts has he been experiencing? My butt sure doesn’t move that way. And not to have songs relate to my life, but I will never look at Laffy Taffy the same… ever. Now when I go to movie theater and buy Laffy Taffy, you most bet ya bottom I will move the laffy taffy and hum that song in my head. Thanks.
Ice Ice Baby, Ay Bay Bay. How long did it take to come up with that? Must have taken some talent and under 2 seconds. At least the rapper that wrote “I’m in love with a stripper” was honest. I would much rather be called baby, then have some form of ‘ay you’ sung to me while girls in almost nothing are drooling over you in your music video. That really makes me want to go right on over to itunes and download your sequel talking about feeling my lady lumps. OH WAIT, sorry, Black Eyed Peas got ya on that one.
Now, I understand that when you have money you can basically do whatever you want. Proves to show that Paris Hilton and Heidi Montag both attempted to sing their hearts out, or their boobs out of their skimpy bathing suit. I was more focused on hoping nips didn’t show then their actual voice, even though the voice didn’t help. But Rebecca Black from Friday proved that YouTube can get you anywhere in life. Way to go sister!
So until I become soulja boy and crank that, or get some implants and figure out how to get jiggy with it, I am going to stick to being like my mother, singing until I figure out exactly what a song means.
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