Sunday, March 18, 2012


I learn more about God
From weeds than from roses;
Resilience springing
Through the smallest chink of hope
In the absolute of concrete....
~Phillip Pulfrey

I look at the "weeds" that are springing all over the highway. Freckles of bluebonnets and splashes of yellow flowers that illuminate what the sun would be like if it lived on earth. I was reading about weeds and I find myself to relate more to weeds that anything else.

"Flowers" that have learned the way, the way to live by society and the plans they have been made for them. Like orchards that are in lines and rows, following the way the planter wanted them to. But weeds grow where they can. They bend and do what they have to to survive. Have you seen sunflowers? Weeds that actually move their faces to capture the sunlight. How many times do you see roses do that? 

I hated pulling weeds as a child. Their roots were deep within the soil and if you didn't take it all out they grew back within days. They wanted to be here. They had to hold stronger to their beliefs, their desire to stay in the earth. 

As I took a walk today the "weeds" that were dancing in the sunlight had all different colors of butterfly's playing chase amongst them. Light green, yellow, and orange wings floated around me and I knew that sometimes the weeds bring the most beautiful things to life. 

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