Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pirouettes in the sand.

I wonder where we would be right now. Under the stars that shimmer above the tender maple leaves. Green leaves that whisper as they move together like a two-step. The moonlight dancing in between like a disco ball, illuminating parts of my ivory skin. The shapes of the leaves pirouetting on the sand that's still warm from the afternoon sherbet sunset. I put my brightly painted toes that are the color of overripe strawberries into the sand, feeling the coolness as I dig deeper. I look in your eyes, the color of the sky on a sunny day when the lake bounces of the clouds and creates the color of robin's eggs. They spoke without saying a word. Spoke the truth. Revealed the inward storms that happened inside of you and let me go along for the ride, a sailboat catching the whirlwind of emotions. I felt confident to let my hand slip into yours and go along for the adventure. It was enough. The leaves, the stars, and you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


You give me butterflies. The bright yellow ones that shine like the sun, that sparkles as it hits the edge of the earth. The orange ones that are like tangerines, opening the peel the juices dripping down your chin, leaving sticky droplets of sugar. The red butterflies that remind me of ariel's hair from The Little Mermaid, swimming in the bath tub. The purple ones like the popsicle that turns your lips a dark tint. Pretending that its lipstick making it that much deeper, as if you have been sitting in ice cold water and everything around you has grown numb. The green that the butterflies land on, soft fresh cut grass from the lawn mower. The smell as it comes through your window as you're taking a nap, the sun shining in, warming you so there is no need for a blanket. The flowers that dance around the butterflies, golden hues and cherry-pie colored goodness. The butterflies land softly, not even moving the flower. It gives it its presence and then goes to the next, like a hooker on the corner. They come and float around, moving with the wind, catching the rays as it lands gracefully on every corner of your heart.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

LIfe thus Far.

I am not sure on what to write. I haven't really thought of a subject and haven't had anything funny to write about, which is the saddest part of it all. I enjoy writing and wish I had more time. Things that have been going on:

- my new job (CPS Investigator) has been stressful. I am intimidated by my boss and its a ton of work, BUT I do have my own office

- my dogs are doing swell and I didn't think my love for something could grow every day

- I just went to Victoria Secret and got 7 pairs of underwear for 28 bucks. Underwear makes me so happy.

- I love my parents and we hang out more which is such a treat.

- I found a church I love and am starting next week to go to a bible study group. YAY!

- I am enjoying the sunset, not so much the sunrise and loving the porch sitting weather.


Sunday, March 18, 2012


I learn more about God
From weeds than from roses;
Resilience springing
Through the smallest chink of hope
In the absolute of concrete....
~Phillip Pulfrey

I look at the "weeds" that are springing all over the highway. Freckles of bluebonnets and splashes of yellow flowers that illuminate what the sun would be like if it lived on earth. I was reading about weeds and I find myself to relate more to weeds that anything else.

"Flowers" that have learned the way, the way to live by society and the plans they have been made for them. Like orchards that are in lines and rows, following the way the planter wanted them to. But weeds grow where they can. They bend and do what they have to to survive. Have you seen sunflowers? Weeds that actually move their faces to capture the sunlight. How many times do you see roses do that? 

I hated pulling weeds as a child. Their roots were deep within the soil and if you didn't take it all out they grew back within days. They wanted to be here. They had to hold stronger to their beliefs, their desire to stay in the earth. 

As I took a walk today the "weeds" that were dancing in the sunlight had all different colors of butterfly's playing chase amongst them. Light green, yellow, and orange wings floated around me and I knew that sometimes the weeds bring the most beautiful things to life. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thank you!

Its truly a blessing when someone comes in your life and not only leaves a lasting imprint, but the person stays in your life.

When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that is is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate no knowing, not curing, not healing, and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend that who cares. - Nouwen

.... and may I add, someone who I am lucky and so grateful to have in my life :)

My toddler willingly holds my hand. He reaches out and pats my shoulder as we lay in bed next to each other.  Its as if he is waiting for m...